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Our 3rd Birthday – 3 Lightyears Fast

On Wednesday 4th July (Independence Day for any Americans reading), we celebrated our 3rd Birthday. It’s quite a landmark as not all new business’ make it to the first and even less their second and beyond.

So when we reached our 3rd year I felt we had marked our place in Torquay. It was not all plain sailing with a lot of rough sea in all areas of the business.

But here we arrived at our 3rd lightyear birthday fast, faster than I can remember each year. So we decided a party was in order. We put on an evening for our customers and ourselves. It was a nice opportunity to mingle and chat with everyone without having to provide a service.

Here are some pictures from the evening.

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Thanks to everyone who made it and we look forward to working towards providing the best we can for everyone for another fast year.


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